North West School Partners Award 2024
We are thrilled to announce that Regent Secondary School has been honoured with the North West Outstanding School Partner Award (Silver) for our dedicated involvement in North West CDC programmes throughout 2023!
We extend our sincere appreciation to the North West CDC for their invaluable partnership, which has empowered our Regenites to engage in diverse and impactful initiatives, fostering both personal growth and community contribution. These collaborative efforts have undeniably enriched the learning experiences of our students.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the NWDC for this recognition, and we celebrate this achievement alongside the entire Regent community!

Past Accolades
Accolades from Regent Red Cross Youth

Semester 1 was an exciting one for Regent Red Cross Youth! With physical events back in full swing this year, our cadets had the opportunity to put their skills to the test at various competitions organised by the Singapore Red Cross.
February saw our cadets participating in the Ambassadors of Blood Donation Competition (ABC) and Disaster Risk Reduction Championships (DRRC). Cadet Ihsan Yusri (3-Respect) attained the Gold Award for his engaging ABC presentation, and our DRRC team—comprising Jonas Sim (3-Integrity), Javier Koh (3-Respect), Seah Yao Yu and Hasan Hanafi (3-Determination)—was awarded Bronze for their interactive showcase on fire safety at home.

In March, our Junior and Senior teams took home the Gold and Bronze awards at the annual First Aid Championships, a national event that sees hundreds of participants across schools working to tackle simulated emergencies under timed conditions.

Finally, we are delighted to announce that our unit has attained the Excellent Unit Award (Gold) for the year 2022! We thank all Youth Officers, Volunteer Instructors, cadets, and friends of Regent for their unwavering dedication and support.

North West School Partners Award 2023 – GOLD
We are delighted to share that Regent Secondary School has been awarded the North West Outstanding School Partner Award 2023 - GOLD for our active participation in North West Community Development Council (NWCDC) programmes!
We are grateful for our fruitful partnership with NWCDC, whose collaborative efforts have given our Regenites the opportunity to participate in a variety of meaningful programmes and to contribute actively to the community. Our students’ learning experiences have certainly been enriched through these initiatives.
Thank you, NWDC, for the recognition, and our heartiest congratulations to Regent!

NPCC Unit Overall Proficiency Award (UOPA) – GOLD
We are pleased to announce that our National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) unit has attained the Unit Overall Proficiency Award (Distinction) for the year 2022!
The UOPA is awarded to school units each year to promote excellence and proficiency at all levels, and the Distinction award is the highest possible honour a unit may attain. Thanks to the work of its cadets, teachers, and volunteer officers, Regent’s NPCC unit has been able to uphold its exceptional track record of robust and spirited training sessions.
2022 saw NPCC cadets participating in various modules and competitions, and the loosening of restrictions also allowed for the resumption of out-of-school activities such as the Dragon Boating Sport Enrichment Programme, Air Pistol Course, and visits to the Singapore Discovery Centre. This year, our cadets can look forward to taking part in a slew of activities that were shelved during the pandemic! These include Camp Resilience at Pulau Ubin and an exciting learning journey to the K-9 unit.
We are grateful for the support of all our stakeholders and may Regent continue to blaze forth to glory!

‘O’ Level Examination Results Release 2023
Today, we welcome our graduands home. Our Secondary Four & Five Regenites have indeed shown determination and resilience to overcome the difficulties and challenges over the past few years. They have held their heads high and truly exemplified the spirit of pursuing excellence in all that they do. We congratulate the batch of 2022 for their achievements and we wish them all the best as they go on to seek and climb greater heights.

23rd Elementz Fair – Gold Award
Have you ever wondered how planes fly? Or even thought about the best household chemicals that help to remove ink stains on your school uniform? Let our Elementz teams tell you how!
Since November 2021, our two teams of Secondary Four students have put in their heart and hands preparing for the 23rd Elementz Fair held by ASRJC. They spent countless hours in the school laboratory conducting their experiments, and even self-built their own plane launcher from scratch!
After months of dedication and hard work, we are immensely proud to announce that one of our teams managed to clinch the coveted Gold award! The other team put in their best effort, and received a certificate of commendation. Well done, Team Regent!
Weng Hin shared that the project had challenged him to step out of his comfort zone in speaking up to express his views. “Being a naturally introverted person, it was, for me, quite socially awkward to speak up and express my views. However, during this project, I have learnt to step out of my comfort zone to challenge myself to be more outspoken and how to properly transfer my thoughts into speech for my groupmates to understand, which has helped boost my communication skills further.”
Team member Jacintha Lin shared that it was challenging for her to understand the Physics concepts behind the project as a Biology student at first. However, through her willingness to learn and with the help of her group members, she successfully managed to present the theoretical background of flight to the panel of judges. Through the project, she also become more open to feedback from others, and became more confident in her communication and presentation skills.

School Green Awards 2021

We are proud to announce that Regent Secondary School has achieved the Yellow Flame Award at the School Green Awards 2021!
Guided by our mission to equip all students and staff to become responsible advocates of the environment, Regent’s environmental programmes seek to promote good environmental habits and involve the wider community in environmental efforts. This year, our school’s project focused on upcycling as a way to “be the change” in working towards sustainable living through conserving resources.

This year, our students from the Environmental Sciences Club led the school-wide effort to turn used items into new products, including mask holders, tote bags, and coin banks. Ongoing recycling and energy-saving efforts have also helped us become a greener school. Through this, we have effected a positive environmental impact in our school and community. Let’s continue to do our part for the environment!