Parent Support Group
PSG Bake & Bond
To commemorate Mother's Day, on 13th May, three CCAs, namely the Boys' Brigade, Girls' Brigade, and Environmental Science Club and the Food & Nutrition Unit partnered with our Parent Support Group to host a special Mother’s Day event. This event aims to provide parents and children with the opportunity and space to bond and have fun with one another. The fun-filled day began as early birds partake in various exciting activities, such as Trivia Quiz and Toss Balls.

Next, parents and students were ushered to the food labs where they cooked up a storm, perfecting their cupcake mix before putting them into the oven. Wasting no time at all, members of the Environmental Science Club taught the parent-child teams to make delicate, dainty paper flowers as participants waited for their soft, velvety cupcakes to be baked to perfection. Saving the best for last, the families gleefully frosted their cupcakes with fluffy, fresh cream, before taking a group photo to commemorate this eventful day with their prized handicrafts and desserts!
It was heartening for us to see our parents and students enjoying themselves! Orlando Aloysius Battista mentioned, “The best inheritance a parent can give his children is a few minutes of his time each day.” We hope this day gave these families lasting memories, ones that they will recall fondly of in the future! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the caring and courageous mothers for tirelessly braving the daily challenges! Regent Secondary School wishes all the mothers out there a very happy Mother's Day!

Past PSG Events
Parents Support Group BBQ
About 100 Parent Support Group (PSG) members, students and staff of Regent Secondary School gathered at the school canteen on 25 June 2022 for the first face-to-face event since the COVID-19 pandemic - the eagerly awaited BBQ!

The PSG EXCO had spent time preparing the food lists, bonding activities, BBQ set-up and the invite messages for the various parent chat groups to ensure an interesting line-up of activities for all.
There was much enthusiasm as PSG members started trickling in at 5pm, with their family members in tow. Our Principal, Mr Leong, welcomed them warmly and shared the school’s focus with them. Things got “heated up” as the smoky aroma of charcoal filled the air and an appetizing spread of food was laid out for the guests. They were also entertained by lively music and interesting ice-breakers and games, helmed by the PSG EXCO.
It was indeed a relaxing time of bonding with family members and with one another. The evening culminated with a family photo of all present at the school parade square and 3 cheers.
We look forward to the next bonding session!