Environmental Science

Ms Karen Lee Chai Lin - IC
Mdm Zainab Banu Binte Hassan
Everyone in the community is an environment advocate
To advocate environment conservation and sustainability to school and community.
Our activities emphasise hands-on experience and learning which empowers every member to be creative and innovative green leaders.

We achieved the Yellow Flame Award at the School Green Awards 2024. Guided by our mission to equip all students and staff to become responsible advocates of the environment, Regent's environmental programmes seek to promote good environmental habits and involve the wider community in environmental efforts. Our school’s project focused on upcycling as a way to "be the change" in working towards sustainable living through conserving resources.
Our students from the Environmental Sciences Club led the school-wide effort to turn used items into new products, including tote bags, paper bags, plastic zipper containers and small gift box. Ongoing recycling and energy-saving efforts have also helped us become a greener school. We also seek to partner with CCAs and organisations to further effect a positive environmental impact in our school and community.

Club Activities
Every Singaporean a Naturalist (ESN) programme to observe birds in school
Upcycling workshops (e.g. making of tote bags from old clothes, making of paper wallets, upcycled fabric and plastic bottle holders)
Nature Journaling
Litter Picking
Gardening activities
Learning Journey
Advocating for different environmental causes in school and at the community level (e.g. water and energy conservation, e-waste recycling, public health, reducing food wastage)
Sustainability Advocacy Challenge (SAC) 2024 Advocacy Module (Sec 3)
Training of Environment Champions to be advocates in each class
Limbang PassionArts 2024