Boys' Brigade

Ms Sng Seok Hwa Sally - IC
Mr Soo Ley Gio Sebastian
Ms Faith Ong Qi Rui
Mr Chong Jie An
Every Boy a Mentor to others
The Boys’ Brigade Object seeks to :
Help members develop and grow in moral character
Train members to become loyal and responsible citizens
Promote members’ physical fitness and develop their leadership potential
Our motto is Sure and Steadfast.
To Nurture Boys to Lead and Serve

The Boys’ Brigade is the world’s first uniformed organisation for youth. The impact of The Boys’ Brigade led to the establishment of other uniformed organisations: Girls’ Life Brigade (1902), Boy Scouts (1908) and Girl Guides (1910). Its founder Sir William Alexander Smith lived by this: “If I am to be remembered by posterity, I should like it to be as the man who taught people to spell Boy with a capital B.”
Thus the Boys’ Brigade at Regent believe in First for Boys! So every Boy is spelt with a capital “B”.
Highlights and Achievements in 2024
S/N |
Highlights / Achievements |
1 |
JM Fraser Unit Award – High Distinction |
2 |
Cycling @ East Coast Park 24th Feb |
3 |
BB Week Competition – Silver Honour Roll |
4 |
Recruits & Leadership Development Overnight Camps from 1st to 2nd March |
5 |
BB Blaze Competition – Gold Honour Roll and Champion for the Open Category |
6 |
Enrolment and Dedication Ceremony with 150 parents and BPGC Members support |
7 |
Parents' Day Collaboration with PSG and other CCA - 4th May |
8 |
BB Fun Camp at BB/GB Campsite - 24 to 26th May |
9 |
National Day Parade @Padang - 3 Boys selected from 91st Coy |
10 |
BB Cares @ St Luke’s Eldercare Keat Hong on 23rd Aug and 3rd Sep |
11 |
BB Character Quest on 31st Aug - Bronze Honour Roll |
12 |
Kayaking Star 1 on 19th & 20th Oct |
13 |
BB Expedition on 25th Oct |
14 |
BB Awards and Promotion Ceremony on 16th Nov |

Past Activities
Activities in 2023
National Day Parade 2022
📹 Watch BB at National Day Parade 2022