National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC)

Ms Li Huilin Lydia - IC
Ms Sharanjeet Kaur Locham
Mr Md Ridhwan Bin Mohammad Muzaki
Mr Low Jun Hua
To become the best youth organisation in Singapore, one that actively helps to make Singapore the safest place in the world.
To develop our members to be active citizens and community leaders, by working in partnership with the Singapore Police Force to fight crime and keep Singapore safe.

In NPCC, we have a wide variety of exciting activities in store for our cadets! These include outdoor adventure camps, crime science investigation, shooting, campcraft and drills! Through these programs, we emphasize a lot on character building, instilling values such as discipline, integrity, loyalty and tenacity. Not only that! We also develop our cadets to become active contributors and citizens to our community, through educating the public on what they can do to help fight crime and keep Singapore safe. While learning all these, we also made sure our cadets bond with their peers through the regular physical trainings and games sessions.
Our unit activities include:
Participation in parade segment of NDP and NPAP
Live firing of .22 revolver
Cadet Leadership Camp
Adventure Training Camp (ATC)
Community Safety and Security Program
Police Youth Ambassador
Police Unarmed Tactics Course
Basic Law Course
Crime Prevention Course
Road Safety Course
Crime Scene Investigation Course (CSI)
Campcraft, pioneering and orienteering
Civil Defence
Total Defence
SANA (Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association)
Enrichment programmes such as dragon boating, air-pistol course and etc.
Visit to Singapore Discovery Centre, K-9 Unit, Police Heritage Centre and etc.