Girls Brigade Commemoration Day 2023
The Enrolment and Dedication Ceremony is conducted annually to induct Girls’ Brigade members and leaders into the company. The enrolment service was held in Regent Secondary School on 15th April 2023. It was a product of the joint effort of both the 91st Boys’ Brigade and 81st Girls’ Brigade, and kindly supported by Bukit Panjang Gospel Chapel.
This year, we are grateful to have our Principal, Mrs Sng, as our Guest-of-Honour. The cadets trained hard for their drills in preparation for the uniform inspection. On top of that, the Girls’ Brigade also rehearsed diligently for the presentation of their drill competition performance.
Cayden Goh Way Ee, a Boys' Brigade cadet from 2-Respect, was proud to be part of the marching contingent. He also felt that this ceremony had created opportunities for him and his fellow cadets to foster stronger bonds.
Girls' Brigade cadet Chai Weng Xin from 3-Integrity said, “This year's Enrolment and Dedication ceremony is special for me as I was appointed the Company Leader. Not only that, I also took part in the drill competition. My parents were present at the ceremony and were proud to see my performance. I was thankful to have them witness this special occasion.”
This ceremony serves to build a sense of commitment in our students as they take on new roles in their journey with their respective companies. We would like to wish our students the very best as they navigate the new and exciting journey ahead!