CCA Exchange Day 2024
CCA Exchange Day 2024
On 11 September 2024, our 17 Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) came together for an exciting inter-CCA exchange programme, before the stand down for the End-of-Year examinations. This initiative is aimed at fostering collaboration among students, allowing them to explore and gain insights into each other’s CCAs while acquiring new skills and best practices to bring back to their own CCAs. The enthusiasm was palpable as students participated in various exchanges, eagerly immersing themselves in the experiences of their peers. For instance, members of the Show Choir had the unique opportunity to join the Red Cross Youth for a day. While the Show Choir members learned essential bandaging and CPR skills from their Red Cross counterparts, our Red Cross Youth cadets delighted in discovering the art of singing and dancing in harmony with the Show Choir. The high level of engagement from all the participants underscored the success of this programme, as students not only enjoyed their time but also expressed enthusiasm for next year’s exchange. This initiative not only nurtures camaraderie among different CCAs but also enriches the students’ skills and experiences, laying the foundation for a vibrant and interconnected school culture.