National School Games Ceremony 2024
On 2 February 2024, we had our National School Games (NSG) Ceremony for student athletes who will participate in NSG tournaments this year.
Amidst deafening applause, representatives from our Sports and Games Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)—namely Badminton, Basketball, Football, Netball, and Taekwondo, walked down the centre aisle of the school hall with great pride and honour.
The highlight of the ceremony focused on the motto, “Character in Sporting Excellence”, where our Sports and Games CCA Leader, Anjelita (S4-Empathy), led all student athletes in reciting the Athletes’ oath as a reminder to uphold the virtues of sportsmanship in the Games.
The ceremony culminated in the presentation of the school jerseys to the captains of each team, by our Vice-Principal, Mr Balan. The jersey presentation symbolises our school values of Passion, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Empathy (P.R.I.D.E.), which our student athletes will embody as they don the school colours for each game.
We would like to wish our Sports and Games CCAs the very best as they compete in this year’s National School Games. May they “Blaze Forth To Glory”!