Purposeful Pursuits
Mr. Nelson Mandela once said that we must dream and relentlessly pursue those dreams to realise them. In Regent’s start-of-the year Aspirations Programme titled “Purposeful Pursuits”, our Secondary Three and Four students were given the opportunities to explore their strengths and passion to realise their dreams and aspirations. Purposeful Pursuits aimed to give students greater exposure to the world of work, take charge of their career planning and development as well as have greater exposure to tertiary education.
This years’ programme was kickstarted by a series of meaningful sharing helmed by the various industry speakers from diverse industries, namely Aviation, Healthcare, Business & Accounting, Engineering, Food and Beverage, Media and Design as well as Hospitality and Maritime. We are grateful to all our esteemed guests who made time for our students to share about their jobs passionately!
Another exciting programme was a trip to the Lifelong Learning Exploration Centre (LLEC) as well as the Self-Discovery Tour at Nanyang Polytechnic. These learning journeys presented the platform and opportunities for students to have more information about the Polytechnic Foundation Programme and the Polytechnic Early Admissions Exercise. The sharing had also enlightened students on some possible educational pathways and ignited their motivation to pursue their dream courses.
Secondary 4 student Seah Wei Jie shared that he was thankful for the NYP Discovery Tour as he has gained better understanding of the poly courses. Secondary 3 students Aaryan Izwan Shahruddin shared that the industry talks were useful for him as interacting with the speakers enable him to know more about the different career pathways.
Apart from the learning journeys, students also attended ECG Workshops and Talks by our ECG Counsellor to set their career and education goals using TheSkillsFuture portal.
All in all, our Upper Secondary students started the year right by setting their internal compasses while they endeavour in purposeful pursuits!