Sec 4 Uniformed Groups Passing Out Parade (POP) 2023
The Passing Out Parade (POP) is a ceremony for cadets that is held when they complete their term in their respective Uniformed Groups (UGs). It is one of the many important and unique milestones that cadets in UGs experience.
This year, the Secondary Four cadets from all 4 UGs (Boys’ Brigade, Girls’ Brigade, National Police Cadet Corps, and Red Cross Youth) were appointed as Guard of Honour. The Parade Commander is Yuki Khoo (4-Empathy) from the Girls’ Brigade and the Regimental Commander is Edmund Teo Jia Jing (4-Gratitude) from the Red Cross Youth.
Parade Commander Yuki Khoo shared, “When I first heard that I was going to be the Parade Commander for this year’s Passing Out Parade, I was both nervous and excited. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With the help and support of the other Uniformed Group (UG) heads, I am confident that I would make this parade a success. I would like to thank all the cadets for giving me the chance to be the Parade Commander and the teachers for their guidance and patience.”
With the school as witness, the leadership handover ceremony was conducted on 5 April 2023. This ceremony signifies the passing of the baton to the next batch of leaders from the Secondary Three unit, trusting that they will uphold the responsibility to lead the future cadets and serve the school.
Congratulations to our graduating cadets and we wish our new cadet leaders the very best in their future endeavours!