Let's Go Green!
2024 is the inaugural year for Regent’s Let’s be Green advocates! The event, where Green (in short for Grow Responsible Ecology and Environment), is a week when students come together tocreate awareness on the environment and promote actions to live sustainability.
On 13 and 14 May, the Environmental Science club and Class Environment Champions set up game booths at the canteen where students learnt more about the 3Rs and food sustainability through games and posters. Students could challenge themselves to the card game “Recycle Right” or the Green version of the classic snake and ladder board game “Karang Guni Man” or even try out the ping-pong ball game where they answered questions on the 3Rs and carbon footprint to earn prizes!
During CCT period on 14 May, a digital show on “Climate Change and Us” by The Voice wasshown, which shared the effects of climate change and recommendations on what students can do to reduce food wastage, play their part to protect biodiversity and reduce climate change. The highlight of Let’s be GREEN took place during the Secondary 1 Cohort’s Values in Action programme (VIA) on 15 May. The theme of the VIA was ‘Environment’ and the Clubs and Societies prepared booths showcasing artefacts they had created on the theme.
Robotics’ Sustainability through Innovation showed off a self-watering sensor for plants. Students from the school’s InfoComm shared photos on nature that were entitled ‘Capturing Change: Photography for a Sustainable Future’. Lastly, Design and Innovation presented their upcycle ventures including upcycled tote bags and stationery holders which were creatively re-designed. Regent Show Choir did their part too and spent their time composing a song entitled “The World is Changing” to encourage students to open their eyes to the world around them and play their part in sustainability and the Regent Pop Band composed a song entitled “Save the Earth” to encourage everyone to play our part to save our only home. On top of that, various subjects such as English, Mathematics, Science and Geography also came together to put up an interdisciplinary booth to showcase the students’ artefacts on the theme of “Water”. All in all, the collective effort by Regenites made the event a successful and memorable one.