Limbang PAssionArts Festival 2022
On 23 July 2022, our Environmental Sciences Club and Modern Dance had the opportunity to participate in the Limbang PAssionArts Festival 2022. Environmental Sciences Club set up a Green Booth where our students shared their knowledge on environmental conservation with the community and our dance group showcased their talents through a modern dance performance.
At the Green Booth, members of the public had the opportunity to participate in simple upcycling tasks, where they can turn their common household waste into something useful. They had a choice between using toilet rolls and making it into a pillow box or a paper dinosaur or using old magazines and turning it into a paper bag. Participants can then decorate their items and further personalise it. It was a meaningful and memorable experience for our students as it was their first time sharing upcycling tips with members of the public in a face-to-face event.
Jaime Pat (1-Detemination) reflected that at first, she and her peers felt a little hesitant to interact with the public. But with the help of their seniors, they quickly warmed up to the public. It felt amazing to educate people about what they can do with their common household waste instead of just discarding them. Through this meaningful experience at the Limbang PAssionArts festival, Jaime and her friends had become more confident in interacting with the others. If there was ever another chance to participate in an event like this, she would definitely volunteer to take part again!
Marion Tye (3-Gratitude) also shared that from this event, he has learnt to step out of his comfort zone and communicate confidently with others. It was not easy at first, however, he took a leap of faith and started to be more confident in facilitating others to work on the upcycling tasks.
Thank you Limbang for this opportunity for our students to contribute to the community!