MT Fortnight 2023
In Regent Secondary School, Mother Tongue Fortnight activities adopted a thematic approach with the Secondary 1 students participating in cultural arts and craft activities such as Opera Mask Painting and Wau Kite making. The Secondary 2 students were immersing themselves in the beauty of Chinese Calligraphy and Khat Drawing/Javi Calligraphy while the Secondary 3 students were executing the Chinese Wushu and Silat martial arts moves in precision. The Secondary 4 students had the opportunities to create and design authentic characters for the Shadow Puppetry Performance. This cultural fiesta programmes have definitely enhanced Regenities' language literacy skills and enabled them to appreciate one another's culture and traditions.

📹 Click to watch Sec 3 Silat Appreciation
📹 Click to watch Sec 3 Wushu Appreciation