NUS Geography Challenge
The National University of Singapore (NUS) Geography Challenge, organised by the NUS Department of Geography and NUS Geographical Society, is an annual competition open to students from secondary schools across Singapore. “Urban Odyssey: Rediscovering our Landscapes and Places” was the theme for this year’s Challenge, and participants were tasked to think critically about the interplay of nature and culture within our urban milieu. Regenites Wong Kei Xuan (S3-Gratitude), H Ng Peng Swee, Nora Saung, and Soo Hui Xuan (S3-Honour) produced a short film for the Challenge’s Creative Component, which sought to capture and reflect on the various landmarks dotting our neighbourhood, Choa Chu Kang. They also had to complete a rigorous individual closed-book assessment as part of the competition, and the team worked together on a quiz for the group component.
Although the team did not progress to the finals, participating in the Challenge was nonetheless a valuable learning experience for all. As Peng Swee reflects, ‘Participating in the Geography Challenge has indeed broadened my horizons. I’ve learnt that Geography goes beyond the study of facts, figures and nature. In fact, Geography touches upon everything around us—from urban spaces to tourism.’