PSL Training for Sec 4s
Our Secondary Four PSLs once again came together at the start of the year to share their best practices carrying out their roles in peer helping, peer bonding and peer influencing.
To help them gain the skills to be a positive influence, they were trained on carrying out Peer Mediation. Through role playing and case studies, they learned how to handle conflicts among peers. They also learned how to better recognize and manage their emotions by tackling automatic negative thoughts. With these important skills, we hope the Sec 4 PSLs will continue to inspire and support their peers in handling their emotions.
The Sec 1 – 3 PSLs also started their training in T1W3. The newly inducted PSLs will learn more about the three domains of Peer Support and Relationships, while the Advanced PSLs learn more about how to influence their peers by resisting negative peer pressure.
All the PSLs are looking forward to amplify their learning during the upcoming Total Defence Day. Schools are a microcosm of society, and they will be advocating Social Defence by promoting social cohesion in the classroom. Together, we will make Regent a place where friendship thrives!