Sec 4 VIA Project 2023
In 2023, 4-Pride and 4-Respect reached out to the elderly at Ang Mo Kio Family Service Centre as part of their Secondary Three Values-in-Action (VIA) projects. This year, their juniors, the current Secondary Three students will be about to embark on the same journey themselves!
Therefore, the 4-Pride and 4-Respect students took this opportunity to share their experiences with their juniors. 4-Pride shared about their project planning process, as well as the challenges that the class faced. On the other hand, 4-Respect created a poster and conducted role-plays to showcase tips on interacting with the elderly.
Ian Yap Hao Yi, VIA Representative of 4-Respect said, “It was a daunting task to oversee the presentation. I felt satisfied that the role-plays entertained the Secondary Three students. I am glad that they were able to learn more about the ways to better interact with the elderly through our presentation. Overall, I feel that I have grown as a leader.”

Poster designed by Elsa, Yi Shyann, Roseann and Sanjay
Similarly, Nurlydia Binte Mohammad, VIA Representative of 4-Pride commented that organising the VIA project was a daunting but fulfilling task. “Even though the process was not easy, I have learnt to work with others. I have also picked up presentation skills along the way. I am proud that my class received positive feedback from the audience.”

Screencapture of 4-Pride slide
As Seth Godin once said, "Transformational leaders don't start by denying the world around them. Instead, they describe a future they'd like to create." We believe this sharing will guide the Secondary Three students well as they embark on their journey to improve the lives of others. Blaze forth Regenites!