Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
Developing GREEN Advocates
Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
The Applied Learning Programme (ALP) helps students connect academic knowledge and skills with the real world. ALP is intended to help students appreciate the relevance and value of what they are learning in the academic arena and to develop stronger motivation and purpose to acquire knowledge and skills. ALP is non-examinable and its emphasis is on the application of knowledge and thinking skills, stretching the imagination and applying these to authentic settings in society and industries.
ALP – Resource Sustainability (from 2024)
Increasing effects of climate change, urbanisation and resources depletions call for an urgency for all of us and especially for our country which is without any natural resources to ensure a sustainable and climate resilient Singapore. In addition, in line with SG 2030 Green Plan, it is important that our students are developed as GREEN (Growing Responsible Ecology and ENvironment) Advocates and changemakers in resource sustainability.
(A) Learning about the Real World through Curriculum
Students will learn about the global challenges associated with resource scarcity and responsible consumption and management of food and water resources through the various subject syllabi in Geography, Science and Nutrition & Food Science.
Students will also be engaged in group projects and meaningful conversations through participating in Inter-disciplinary Learning Journeys, e.g. to Marina Barrage, Science Centre, Smart Nation CityScape, etc., to gain deeper and broadened understanding of ‘Go Green SG’ and Singapore’s efforts towards water sustainability
(B) Learning by Doing and Applying through Culture, Community and within Campus
Students will be able to apply what they have learnt through the Student-Initiated Learning project (during HBL) to promote sustainability efforts, Cohort-wide VIA which involves school collaborations with various community partners and CCA-based projects such as Edible Garden, Indoor Spice Garden, etc. These platforms and opportunities enable students to showcase applications of learning, advocate behaviour or explore new solutions to reduce environmental sustainability issues.
(C) Learning for Life and Advocating for causes in Community
Partnership and linkages with various community sectors and relevant industries will allow students to experience and connect with the world beyond the school.
(D) Environment Champions and Eco-Stewardship
Students will be given opportunities to attend and participate in external forums organised by North West CDC, Nature Society, etc. With their beyond the school exposure and enhanced Awareness, they will also take lead to Amplify conservation efforts for the four environmental commemorative days, i.e. Earth Day, Water Day, Environment Day and ASEAN Dengue Day. There could also be overseas trips for students to deepen their acquisition of 21CC and for authentic learning of how countries in Southeast Asia embrace green technology and adopt clean energy.

To find out more about our Applied Learning Programmes, visit our website at: