Student Leaders Investiture 2024

A sense of anticipation and pride were palpable as Regenites gathered in the Hall to bear witness to the passing of the mantle of leadership at our Student Leaders’ Investiture on 30 April 2024.
‘Igniting our potential’ was the theme of this year’s Investiture, a reminder of the transformative power Regenites hold as agents of change in the community. Applause and cheers resounded through the hall as the 13th Student Council and incoming CCA Leaders marched down the aisle and were handed their blazers by their predecessors. In her speech, newly-appointed President of the 13th Student Council, Putri Nur Adawiyah Mohammad Faizal (S3-Honour), outlined her wish to build a more inclusive school community, where ‘every idea and suggestion is valued, and the unique perspectives and needs of Regenites are recognised’.
A highlight of this year’s event was the Class Committee Badge Presentation, a special segment dedicated to honouring the invaluable contributions of the class committee, particularly our Chairpersons who serve as an important bridge between their Form Teachers and the class.
As the baton is passed to our incoming student leaders, we wish them a most successful term ahead. It is our fervent hope that they will build upon the fine traditions and legacy established by those who have gone before them, and to lead with integrity, compassion, and vision.
Together, may we continue to blaze forth to glory and let us harness the boundless potential that lies within each and every member of our school community!