Sec 2 Advanced Leadership Training
Day 1: We’re Heading Off to Camp, At Last!
On Thursday, 20 October 2022, our Secondary 2 students embarked on their first residential camp since the COVID pandemic. at the MOE Jalan Bahtera Outdoor Adventure Learning Centre (JBOALC). The 3-day/2-night camp gave our students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learnt during their Outdoor Education (OE) in PE, and Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) lessons. The activities were specially designed to nurture the Habits of Mind, like Self-Management, Working with Others, Effective Communication and Action Management.
The campers were divided into their respective tribes and began their 3-day adventure with the gathering of the Tribal Council. The students were put through a series of challenges and tasks as part of the Situational Test and Low Elements. With the support and encouragement of their classmates, our students breezed through the teambuilding games and Low Element challenges with flying colours. The students finally realized the wisdom behind the saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone, If you want to go far, go together.”
While some of our Regenites were in action on land, another group of them were out in the waters of Lower Seletar Reservoir for Dragon-boating. For many of our students, Dragon-boating was an entirely new experience. Some of them were nervous about being out in the open water for the very first time in their lives but they overcame their anxiety and learnt to paddle as a team under the supervision of the instructors. Through this activity, the students pushed the boundaries of their comfort zones and learnt that courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome one’s fears.
Day 2: What’s Cooking and Do You Smell Something Burning?
After dinner last night, our campers competed against the other tribes in the Tribal Challenge. The tribes were tasked to complete a series of 10 Challenges in under 39 minutes. Our campers demonstrated teamwork and creative thinking to accomplish the challenges in record time!
For many of our Regenites, this was the first residential camp that they have participated in for more than two years. Although they did not have to pitch tents and sleep under the stars, our students had quite an experience spending two nights in a longhouse-like dorm with their fellow classmates. They had a fun time figuring out who was the loudest snorer among them all!
Our campers got up bright and early on Day 2 of camp…brimming with enthusiasm and eager to embark on a new day of fun and challenges! With the most basic of ingredients and condiments…what delectable dish could our Regent Masterchefs cook up in the great outdoors? Unlike the contestants on Masterchef, our students had to rely on the most rudimentary means of starting a fire and cooking in the outdoors! For our students, the most enjoyable part of the outdoor cooking activity was savoring every bite of their own cooking!
To burn off the calories from the delectable dishes cooked up by our Regent Masterchefs, the campers continued with another high-energy day of Low Elements and Situational Test.
Over the past two days, the campers spent their free time enthusiastically practicing and preparing for their performance for the Bonfire. What could these creative and ingenious young minds conjure up? We’ll find out soon enough during tonight’s Bonfire!
Day 3: Reflection and Appreciation
As the stars came out on the final night of the camp and the flames of the campfire illuminated the night sky, our very own Stars of Regent performed to the appreciative applause and cheers of their peers! As the campfire drew to a close, the campers gave our out-going Principal a standing ovation in appreciation of his care and concern in bringing out the best in each and every Regenite.
Over the past two days, the emphasis and focus of the learning experiences were on self and peer leadership. At this point of the camp, many of our students were feeling the strain of two days of intense physical activities and being nudged out of their comfort zones.
There was one last challenge that awaited our campers…they were given the task of building their Weapons of Destruction, capable of launching a rolled-up paper ball and knocking over a stack of wooden dominoes…the Trebuchet Challenge!
As the camp ended, it was time for reflection and showing appreciation to those around them. Our students came together to write notes of appreciation for their classmates and friends who were with them throughout the camp, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones. It was most definitely an enriching experience filled with fun and adventure for our Secondary 2 students!
While the camp is over, the learning continues as our students apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills to their daily lives.