Aspirations Day 2022
Walt Disney once said, ‘All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.’ Indeed, our Secondary Four and Five students took a step closer towards pursuing their aspirations with the exciting array of industry and career talks on Regent’s Aspirations Day, held recently on 16 March 2022!
We were privileged to have staff from Nanyang Polytechnic speak to our students about the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) and Early Admissions Exercise (EAE). The sharing enlightened students on the post-secondary educational pathways available to them, and ignited their motivation to pursue their dream courses, including Kerynn Toh (4-Integrity), who took away from the session useful tips on crafting her EAE application and write-up.
The latter half of the day saw distinguished guests from fields as diverse as Hospitality and Tourism, Biomedical Science, and Media and Design and more giving students a peek into their daily routines at work, as well as sharing with them a wealth of personal experiences and invaluable nuggets of wisdom. Our keynote speaker, Dr Vincent Pang, Assistant Professor and Director of the Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (CIDER), spoke candidly about a contemporary career landscape in which change is the only constant, and reminded our students to embrace a future of lifelong learning. This was a sentiment echoed by Tan Hui Xuan (4-Integrity), who shared, ‘I have learnt that people constantly need to innovate in order to succeed in their jobs. This is especially so for the Food & Beverage industry, where passion, creativity, and a thirst for knowledge are essential for businesses to prosper and stay on top of the competition!’
We hope that Aspirations Day has truly inspired our Regenites to go forth and pursue their dreams with courage! Our students can continue to look forward to a host of course-related talks planned for them this April!