Uniformed Groups Passing Out Parade 2024
Thundery showers notwithstanding, our Uniformed Group (UG) leaders took centre-stage at our annual Passing-Out Parade on 12 April 2024, an important milestone for all graduating UG cadets. The Change of Command was executed smoothly with our Principal, Mrs Sng, and the Regent community bearing witness to this momentous occasion. For Parade Commander Warrant Officer Gregg Loo, the parade was certainly a moment to cherish, having played an instrumental role as Boys’ Brigade Company Sergeant Major and Head of the Uniformed Groups over the past two years.
Turning to face the Singapore flag one last time as one contingent, the sense of camaraderie shared by our senior UG cadets—having stood shoulder to shoulder many a time over the last few years—was palpable. Truly, we would like to thank our graduating batch of UG leaders and cadets for their selfless contributions to the CCA and school community. Taking the helm of our four UGs are: Sergeant Josiah Eang (BB), Corporal Shaynel Peh (GB), Corporal Kee Yi Ling (NPCC), and Corporal Sing Jia Qian (RCY). Congratulations!

Parade Commander Warrant Officer Gregg Loo (Boys' Brigade)

From left: Corporal Sing Jia Qian (Red Cross Youth), Corporal Shaynel Peh (Girls' Brigade)

From left: Corporal Kee Yi Ling (National Police Cadet Corp), Sergeant Josiah Eang (Boys' Brigade)